• 2022-06-19
    5.Companies must (accept) the latest technology to stay in business and ahead of other competitors (竞争者). ____
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      The data of the S&P 500 is quoted to indicate that________ A: Technology has expanded at a fast pace. B: Companies attempting to grow rapidly must introduce technology. C: Subsectors are more helpful to understand the companies involved. D: Information technology companies have a great increase in number.

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      It is essential that the contract __________ before other companies negotiate with them. A: must be signed B: is signed C: be signed D: to be signed

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      7. Cost fous means a company that reduces production costs relative to its competitors and thus can charge lower prices for its products than other companies in the target _________.

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      Companies risk losing their home markets ________. A: by protecting themselves from competition at home B: to other domestic competitors C: as they may find foreign competitors in their own backyards D: by focusing only on their home markets E: in hopes of growing market share at home

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      I suggested that we not only give up the two companies but also ____(抛弃) any other business involved in soft drinks.