• 2022-06-19
    The potato can be made into a _____ (powder) form.
  • powdered


    • 0

      You can add liquid to the powder, or _________, the powder to the liquid.

    • 1

      You can add the fluid to the powder, or ________ the powder to the fluid.

    • 2

      The packability of powder can reflect the flowability of powder A: 正确 B: 错误

    • 3

      We<br/>can classify rhetorical questions based on whether<br/>there are obvious answers or not<br/>and whether<br/>it is a negative form or a positive form. <br/>()

    • 4

      ________________ are plants such as cabbages, potatoes and onions that you can cook and eat. (sausages, pizza, potato chips, Pour, Vegetables, refrigerator, is made from, seaweed, omelet, grated)