• 2022-06-19
    Which cranial nerve is responsible for the olfactory function?
    A: (A) cranial nerve I
    B: (B) cranial nerve VII
    C: (C) cranial nerve IX
    D: (D) cranial nerve X
  • A


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      Which of the following nerves is added to the tongue nerve? () A: Ear-temporal nerve B: Masseter nerve C: Buccal nerve D: CHORDA Tympani E: Inferior alveolar nerve

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      A patient in a physical examination showed that his ring finger and little finger were numb. Which of the nerve is most likely to be injured? A: Median nerve B: Radial nerve C: Ulnar nerve D: Axillary nerve E: Recurrent branch of median nerve

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      从脑干背面穿出的是 A: trochlear nerve B: oculomotor nerve C: optic nerve D: abducent nerve E: accessory nerve

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      患者上睑下垂是因损伤 A: ophthalmic nerve B: facial nerve C: oculomotor nerve D: abducent nerve E: trochlear nerve

    • 4

      The axons and dendrites that are coated with a myelin sheath are called ( ). A: Neurite B: Nerve C: Nerve ending D: Nerve fiber