• 2022-06-19
    Your failure in the business is ___________ unless you change your way of management at once.
    A: nourished
    B: average
    C: permissive
    D: inescapable
  • D


    • 0

      "I suspect that your business will start that way too." in the last paragraph means ______. ( ) A: I doubt you will start a business in the same way B: I don't believe your business will succeed if you start that way C: I think it is likely you start a business that way D: I have no idea if you will start a business that way

    • 1

      There is no possibility of getting business done unless you _____your price by 3%.

    • 2

      You aren't able to lose weight ___________ you change your eating habits. A: if B: unless C: after D: since

    • 3

      Once you have raised the money to start or expand your business, you dont need to have a business plan any longer.

    • 4

      Once your business being international, () constantly will be part of your life. A: your fly B: your flight C: fight D: flying