• 2022-06-19
    Your failure in the business is ___________ unless you change your way of management at once.
  • permissive


    • 0

      You cannnot cancel your order ______ you change your mind within three days. A: as if B: while C: so that D: unless

    • 1

      ______you lose your confidence, you lose everything. A: Unless B: Until C: After D: Once

    • 2

      Once you have raised the money to start or expand your business, you dont need to have a business plan any longer.

    • 3

      You aren't able to lose weight ___________ you change your eating habits. A: if B: unless C: after D: since

    • 4

      If you want to invite your client to have a business meal in a formal way, you'd better write _______ (invite).