• 2022-06-19
    Which of the following is the most appropriate description of a muscle power grade or strength of three plus (3+)?
    A: Muscle able to move joint against gravity with full resistance
    B: Muscle unable to move joint with gravity eliminated
    C: Muscle unable to overcome resistance other than gravity
    D: Muscle unable to move joint; palpable contraction of muscle
    E: Muscle able to move joint against gravity and some resistance
  • C


    • 0

      Muscles can be divided into ( ) according to the effect on the joints when muscle contract. A: Extensor muscle B: Flexor muscle C: Adductor muscle D: Abductor muscle E: Static muscle

    • 1

      Another name for a skeletal muscle cell is a: A: muscle sheath. B: muscle nucleus. C: muscle fibre. D: muscle tendon.

    • 2

      The muscle that expands the glottis is ( ) A: lateral cricoarytenoid muscle B: posterior cricoarytenoid muscle C: interarytenoid muscle D: thyroarytenoid muscle

    • 3

      Muscle is often divided into striated muscle (or skeletal muscle), smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. Both Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are under voluntary control.

    • 4

      Muscle can be divided into A: striated /skeletal muscle B: smooth muscle C: cardiac muscle D: cartilage