The longest prismatoidal muscle in the whole body is ( ). A: Splenius muscle B: Longissimus dorsalis muscle C: Brachiocephalic muscle muscle D: Iliocostalis muscle
The longest prismatoidal muscle in the whole body is ( ). A: Splenius muscle B: Longissimus dorsalis muscle C: Brachiocephalic muscle muscle D: Iliocostalis muscle
Muscle is often divided into striated muscle (or skeletal muscle), smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. Both Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are under voluntary control.
Muscle is often divided into striated muscle (or skeletal muscle), smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. Both Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are under voluntary control.
Which of the following muscle is not innervated by the ansa cervicalis? A: omohyoid muscle B: sternohyoid muscle C: sternothyroid muscle D: thyrohyoid muscle E: digastric muscle
Which of the following muscle is not innervated by the ansa cervicalis? A: omohyoid muscle B: sternohyoid muscle C: sternothyroid muscle D: thyrohyoid muscle E: digastric muscle
Another name for a skeletal muscle cell is a: A: muscle sheath. B: muscle nucleus. C: muscle fibre. D: muscle tendon.
Another name for a skeletal muscle cell is a: A: muscle sheath. B: muscle nucleus. C: muscle fibre. D: muscle tendon.
The muscle that expands the glottis is ( ) A: lateral cricoarytenoid muscle B: posterior cricoarytenoid muscle C: interarytenoid muscle D: thyroarytenoid muscle
The muscle that expands the glottis is ( ) A: lateral cricoarytenoid muscle B: posterior cricoarytenoid muscle C: interarytenoid muscle D: thyroarytenoid muscle
Muscles can be divided into ( ) according to the effect on the joints when muscle contract. A: Extensor muscle B: Flexor muscle C: Adductor muscle D: Abductor muscle E: Static muscle
Muscles can be divided into ( ) according to the effect on the joints when muscle contract. A: Extensor muscle B: Flexor muscle C: Adductor muscle D: Abductor muscle E: Static muscle
Which of the following muscle is voluntary muscle? A: cardiac muscle B: smooth muscle C: biceps D: diaphragm
Which of the following muscle is voluntary muscle? A: cardiac muscle B: smooth muscle C: biceps D: diaphragm
Which of the following muscle is involuntary muscle? A: skeletal muscle B: smooth muscle C: biceps D: triceps
Which of the following muscle is involuntary muscle? A: skeletal muscle B: smooth muscle C: biceps D: triceps
Muscle can be divided into A: striated /skeletal muscle B: smooth muscle C: cardiac muscle D: cartilage
Muscle can be divided into A: striated /skeletal muscle B: smooth muscle C: cardiac muscle D: cartilage
There are 3 types of muscles. They are : A: skeletal muscle B: tissues C: smooth muscle D: spine E: cardic muscle
There are 3 types of muscles. They are : A: skeletal muscle B: tissues C: smooth muscle D: spine E: cardic muscle