• 2022-06-19
    1. When engaging in weight training, do minor muscle movements first and then major muscle movements. ( )
  • 错误


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      The longest prismatoidal muscle in the whole body is ( ). A: Splenius muscle B: Longissimus dorsalis muscle C: Brachiocephalic muscle muscle D: Iliocostalis muscle

    • 1

      Muscle is often divided into striated muscle (or skeletal muscle), smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. Both Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are under voluntary control.

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      Which of the following muscle is not innervated by the ansa cervicalis? A: omohyoid muscle B: sternohyoid muscle C: sternothyroid muscle D: thyrohyoid muscle E: digastric muscle

    • 3

      What means of communication is used by most people A: Facial expressions. B: Body movements. C: Speech. D: Body movements and speech.

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      Another name for a skeletal muscle cell is a: A: muscle sheath. B: muscle nucleus. C: muscle fibre. D: muscle tendon.