• 2022-06-19
    Carnitine, a zwitterionic compound derived from lysine, is involved in fatty acid metabolism and is required at which two points in the transport of fatty acids from the cytoplasm to the mitochondria (see Figure 3-5)
    A: A and E
    B: A and C
    C: B and C
    D: B and D
    E: E and D
  • D



    • 0

      The acetyl CoA required for the synthesis of fatty acids is derive from ( ). A: fat mobilization B: β-oxidation of fatty acids C: degradation of amino acids D: glycolysis E: degradation of glucoses

    • 1

      Carnitine is: A: an essential cofactor for the citric acid cycle. B: essential for intracellular transport of fatty acids. C: one of the amino acids commonly found in protein. D: present only in carnivorous animals.

    • 2

      In food, the best ratio of saturated fatty acid, monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acid should be ( )

    • 3

      Jasmonate, derived from the fatty acid 18:3(Δ9,12,15) in membrane lipids, triggers the plant's defenses in response to insect-inflicted damage.

    • 4

      The inhibition of carnitine acyltransferase I by malonyl-CoA ensures that the oxidation of fatty acids is inhibited whenever the liver is amply supplied with glucose as fuel and is actively making triacylglycerols from excess glucose.