关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 关注微信公众号《课帮忙》查题 公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入!公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入!公告:维护QQ群:833371870,欢迎加入! 2022-06-19 ③ It went out of fashion at the end of the 4) ____________. ③ It went out of fashion at the end of the 4) ____________. 答案: 查看 举一反三 out of fashion是 be out of fashion是过时 Black ties are ______ this year, but it was very fashionable two years ago. A: in fashion B: out of fashion C: out of the style D: in style avant-garde means A: ahead of fashion B: out of date C: in D: out This style has been out of fashion for________.