• 2022-06-15
    Directions: A. Put the words in brackets into proper forms 1. If you _______ (tie) the boat up, it wouldn’t have drifted away.
  • had tied


    • 0

      Without my watchfulness our boat()away to the open se A: could have drifted B: must drift C: would be drifting D: would have drifted

    • 1

      You didn’t put on more clothes; otherwise you ______ cold. A: wouldn’t have caught B: wouldn’t catch C: can’t catch D: D. can’t have caught

    • 2

      If I were you, I wouldn’t put up with his (behave)____any longer.

    • 3

      put the verbs in brackets into proper subjunctive forms,using a modal or a semi-auxiliary verb when necessary:I wish it____(be) true.

    • 4

      If I hadn't given you a hand in time of crisis, you ______ on air now. A: couldn't have put B: B. wouldn't be putting C: didn't put D: D. won't put