• 2021-04-14
    (1) I wish I (know) what's wrong with my car.
    (2) It looks like rain; you (have) better take a raincoat.
    (3) He always talk as if he (address) a public meeting.
    (4) If you (tie) the boat up, it wouldn't have drifted away.
    (5) Suppose you (not know) where your next meal was coming from?
  • 正确答案:
    were addressing(4)
    had tied(5)
    did not know; didn't know



    • 0

      根据录音内容填空: A: Sally, our first question today is from Andy. He says, “I’ve just started learning English. My problem is that I’m too (1)__________ to speak. My grammar is not very good, so I (2)__________ saying the wrong thing.” Have you got any advice for Andy? B: OK. Well, the first thing is I think Andy should (3)__________. A: Speaking to himself? I’m not sure that’s a good idea. B: I know it sounds silly, but talking to yourself in a (4)__________ is a really good way to practice. You don’t have to feel (5)__________, because nobody can hear you. You can talk to yourself about anything you like – what you had for breakfast, where you’re going for the weekend – anything. And the more you do it, the more you will (6)__________ hearing your own voice and your (7)__________, so you won’t feel so frightened in the classroom. Andy should try it. A: Hm, I suppose so. Anything else? What about his (8)__________? B: He has only just started learning English, so he is going to make lots of mistakes, but that’s not a problem. That’s how he’ll learn. Andy shouldn’t (9)__________. A: You’re right. So Andy, try talking to yourself, and don’t worry about making mistakes.

    • 1

      Naomi: And you wouldn’t skip a day of work, either. Treat your studies in the same way, and your grades will (1) ___________. Hector: That’s a great (2) __________, thanks. Naomi: Well, now you know what you have to do. So go do it! If you get (3) __________, you’ll feel more productive. Trust me. Hector: I’ll give it a try. What have I got to (4) __________, right? Naomi: Good luck. Tell me how it’s (5) __________ later on. Hector: I (6) __________. Talk to you later. Hector: Hey, Naomi. What’s up? Naomi: Oh, I forgot to (7) __________ one really important point. Hector: Really? What’s that? Naomi: Don’t forget to make time for your friends, too!

    • 2

      —______ —No, thanks. I'm just looking around. I'll let you know if I want something. A: Have you made up your mind what you want B: What will you buy C: Can I help you D: Do you like it

    • 3

      The boat wouldn’t have drifted away, if we _____ (tie) it up.(1.0分)

    • 4

      --May I know your address? --() A: ASure. Here you are B: BI have no idea C: CIt’s far from here