youhaverecentlywrittenthecodeshownbelow: HashtableemailAddresses=newHashtable(); emailAddresses.Add("Mia",""); emailAddresses.Add("Andy",""); emailAddresses.Add("Kara",""); Youneedtoensurethatthesee-mailaddressesarestoredintheEmail.datfilesothatyoucanloadthemagain whentheuserrestartstheapplication. Whatshouldyoudo?()
- Certkiller。COM称为Certkiller.COM Active Directory域。如图表所示,两个名为Certkiller一个Certkiller B. DNS服务器的DNS服务器配置。 域用户无法连接到互联网网站,使用Certkiller乙,因为它是作为首选DNS服务器配置。你必须让所有客户端计算机的Internet名称解析。来实现这个任务,你应该怎么做呢() A: 删除从Certkiller b.(根)区域配置上Certkiller b的条件转发 B: 更新Cache.dns文件上Certkillerb. Certkillerb配置条件转发 C: 创建一个Certkiller答复制(根)区 D: 根提示服务器上Certkiller b.的更新列表
- E类中System.out.println的输出结果是__________、________________。interface Com{int add(int a,int b);}abstract class A{abstract int add(int a,int b);}class B extends A implements Com{public int add(int a,int b){return a+b;}}public class E{public static void main(String args[ ]){B b=new B();Com com=b;System.out.println(com.add(12,6));A a=b;System.out.println(a.add(10,5));}}
- 阅读程序题(给出【代码】注释标注的代码的输出结果)interface Com {int add( int a, int b);}abstract class People {abstract int add( int a, int b);}class Student extends People implements Com{public int add(int a,int b) {return a + b;}}public class 习题5_阅读3 {public static void main(String args[ ]) {Student stu = new Student ();Com com = stu;int m = com.add(12,6);People p = stu;int n = p.add(12,8);System.out.printf("%d:%d",m,n); //【代码】}}
- 5.请说出E类中[代码1],[代码2]的输出结果依次是______ ,______ 。 interface Com { int add(int a,int b); }abstract class A { abstract int add(int a,int b);int g(int a,int b) { return a+b; }}class B extends A implements Com{ public int add(int a,int b) { return a+b; } int g(int a,int b) { return a*b; }}public class E {public static void main(String args[]) { B b = new B(); Com com = b; System.out.println(com.add(10,5)); //[代码1] A a = b; System.out.println(a.g(10,5)); }} //[代码2]
- ________ is known to all,good friends _________ happiness and value to life. A: It; add B: As; add C: It; add up D: As; add to