• 2022-06-15
    ) keeps the tooth in place by securing it to the bone.
    A: crown
    B: periodontal ligament
    C: bone
  • B


    • 0

      Which<br/>of the following organ is not the extraordinary organs.() A: Blood<br/>vessel B: Bone C: the<br/>gallbladder D: Sanjiao E: Uterus

    • 1

      Epaulet<br/>is to shoulder as () A: cast<br/>is to bone B: button<br/>is to belly C: medal<br/>is to chest D: pedicure<br/>is to toes E: cavity<br/>is to teeth

    • 2

      What does number 9 indicate in the following picture?[img=624x910]18030c08df89f9f.png[/img] A: sphenoid bone B: temporal bone C: frontal bone D: parietal bone E: occipital bone

    • 3

      What belongs to facial skull? A: Maxilla B: Temporal bone C: Occipital bone D: Sphenoid bone

    • 4

      Following ligaments are for spleen, (())<br/>() A: The<br/>gastrosplenic ligament B: The<br/>splenorenal ligament C: The<br/>right triangular ligaments D: The<br/>phrenicosplenic ligament