下列不可以作为变量名的有( )
A: False = 1
B: a = 1
C: 16cloud = 10
D: class = cloud161
A: False = 1
B: a = 1
C: 16cloud = 10
D: class = cloud161
- 下列不可以作为变量名的有? A: False=1 B: a=1 C: 16cloud=10 D: class=cloud161 E: x=y=1 F: import=name G: name="cui"
- 五、For each of the following blanks. Choose one or more than one (多选题,少选或错选都不得分)(2*5=10 %)1.What are the types of cloud computing? A: personal cloud B: Private cloud C: Hybrid cloud D: Public cloud
- Which of the following does not belong to cloud computing or cloud<br/>storage() A: Ali Cloud B: Baidu Cloud C: Vipshop D: iCloud
- 【多选题】Spring Cloud中包含了多个子项目,包括有() A. Spring Cloud Netflix B. Spring Cloud Config C. Spring Cloud Bus D. Spring Cloud Consul
- 能够实现对局部变量赋值的选项是: A: SET 变量名=值; B: select字段1,字段2,...from表名where条件into变量1,变量2,... C: select字段1,字段2,...into变量1,变量2,...from表名where条件 D: DECLARE 变量名1 [, 变量名2] … 数据类型
- 0
():a cloud service,allied to the set of business terms under which the cloud service is offered. A: Cloud service B: Cloud service product C: Product catalogue D: Service catalogue
- 1
When I heard that I had passed all my exams with top grades, I was ______. A: on cloud six B: on cloud seven C: on cloud eight D: on cloud nine
- 2
What rhetorical device is employed in "I wandered lonely as a cloud" (Line 1)?
- 3
In definitions of cloud computing, which is the characteristic of cloud computing?
- 4