• 2022-06-15
    The order of serving tea is first guest, second master, first boss, elder, lady, second companion, junior, man.
  • 本题目来自[网课答案]本页地址:https://www.wkda.cn/ask/moypoaatyeooejo.html


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      以下javascript代码,在浏览器中运行的结果是 function foo0{ console.log("first' ); setTimeout(function() console.log( 'second' ): }, 5); for (var i= 0;i < 439999999;i++) { foo(); } A: first,second,first,second..依次顺序输出 B: 首先全部输出first,然后全部输出second C: first,second无顺序输出 D: 首先输出first,超出5ms输出所有second,最后输出余下的first

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      Question2 A: The end of the first week. B: The end of the second semester. C: The end of the first month. D: The end of the second week.

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      下列程序返回的结果是a = &quot;first&quot;def second(a): a = &quot;second&quot;def third(): global a a = &quot;third&quot;third()print(a, end=',')second(&quot;fourth&quot;)print(a)? third, third;|second,third;|second,first|first,second;

    • 3

      7. — What is the difference between the first nursing home and the second? — The first one has two swimming pools while the second has ______.

    • 4

      The eggs discharged from the ovaries are at:() A: First meiosis metaphase B: Second meiosis prophase C: First meiosis prophase D: Second meiosis metaphase E: Second meiosis anaphase