- When will the reverse culture shock take place?
- Experiencing culture shock upon returning home after spending time in a foreign country is known as: ( )。 A: Culture Shock Returns B: Culture Shock C: Culture Shock Part 2 D: Reverse Culture Shock
- Match the term with its definition.A stage of culture shock, in which the new arrivals may feel euphoric and be pleased by all of the new things encountered. A: culture shock B: reverse culture shock C: recovery stage D: low-contest culture E: repression F: honeymoon stage G: rejection H: high-context culture
- Culture shock occurs when you feel __________ with cultural differences. A:
- Which of the following statements is correct? A: A. Culture shock only happens when a man travels to a different country. B: B. Culture shock often disappears by itself after a long period of time. C: C. Culture shock has a greater impact on adults than on kids. D: D. Culture shock may cause negative emotional problems.
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When people go abroad, ______. A: they soon adapt themselves to the new culture environment B: they try to avoid culture shock C: they feel lost in strange surroundings D: they become seriously ill
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The impact of culture shock can ________ from person to person. There can be significant differences because some people may be better prepared to enter a new culture.
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It is common to experience culture shock when traveling abroad.
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Which of the following may NOT be a person's reaction to culture shock A) He feels frustrated. C) He feels uncomfortable. B) He feels like going back home. D) He feels eager to learn everything. A: Which of the following may NOT be a person's reaction to culture shock B: He feels frustrated. C: He feels like going back home. D: He feels uncomfortable. E: He feels eager to learn everything.
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The reaction to culture shock may differ greatly from person to person.