• 2021-04-14
    10.What does the ring gesture (you form an "O" by holding the tip of your forefinger to the tip of your thumb) mean in Britain?
  • Something is good.


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      Tip for a successful CV:follow the conventions in your discipline.( )

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      When you say “I have three major points to talk about today” while holding up two fingers, your gesture is ______ your verbal message.

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      How much tip can you give the waiter or waitress after you meal in an American restaurant A: [A] Only 15% of your bill is all right. B: Generally speaking, about 15% of your bill is Ok, but sometimes you can leave the tip depending on the service given. C: Usually, $15 is enough.

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      You are making a series of proposals and your Indian counterpart keeps shaking his head. What does he mean?

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      What does the Okay gesture mean in FranceIt means ().