• 2022-06-19
    After they are produced from acetyl-CoA in the liver, ketone bodies are mainly used for which one of the following processes
    A: Excretion as waste products
    B: Energy generation in the live
    C: Conversion to fatty acids for storage of energy
    D: Generation of energy in the tissues
    E: Generation of energy in red blood cells
  • D


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      Which<br/>of the followings is the main mechanism of decreased myocardial<br/>contractility induced by acidosis, hyperkalemia?() A: myocardial<br/>energy generation disorder B: myocardial<br/>energy utilization disorder C: myocardial<br/>energy storage disorder D: disorder<br/>of excitation-contraction coupling E: contractive<br/>proteins destruction of myocardium

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      During long term starvation, the energy in brain mainly come from A: glucose oxidation B: ketone bodies oxidation C: lactate oxidation D: amino acid oxidation E: fatty acid oxidation

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      During long term starvation, the energy of brain mainly come from A: glucose oxidation B: fatty acid oxidation C: ketone bodies oxidation D: lactate oxidation E: amino acid oxidation

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      Apparent metabolizable energy(AME)is the remaining energy after subtracting( )from the gross energy. A: Fecal energy B: Urine energy C: Metabolizable fecal energy D: Gas energy E: Endogenous urine energy

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      Which of the following belongs to clean and renewable energy? A: Geothermal energy B: Solar energy C: Wind energy D: Nuclear energy