25.Which of the following is not a good way to welcome a new person?
A: a). talk to the new person
B: b). give the new person a tour
C: c). invite the new person to lunch
D: d). ignore the new person's question
A: a). talk to the new person
B: b). give the new person a tour
C: c). invite the new person to lunch
D: d). ignore the new person's question
- 【多选题】定义了如下Person类,下面()程序段能够正确初始化Person数组。 class Person{ private String name; public Person(String name){ this.name=name; } } A. Person [ ] list=new Person[ ]{new Person("孙悟空"),new Person("猪八戒")}; B. Person list[ ]=new Person[ ]{new Person("孙悟空"),new Person("猪八戒")}; C. Person[ ] list={new Person("孙悟空"),new Person("猪八戒")}; D. Person list=new Person[ ]{new Person("孙悟空"),new Person("猪八戒")};
- Which of the following can’t doctors do A: They can give a person a new heart. B: They can give a person a new brain. C: They can put an arm back on after it has been cut of
- 语句“Person myTest1 = new Person(“张三”,21,60012) ” 与语句“ Person myTest1; myTest1 = new Person(“张三” , 21,60012)”等价。( )
- 下列JavaScript定义对象的语句中,()不正确。 A: var person = {}; B: var person = new Object(); C: person =name; D: function person(name,sex){} var personObj = new person();
- 假设 Student类为Person类的子类,则下面()创建对象是错误的。 A: Studentbase = new Student() B: Personbase = new Person() C: Personchild = new Student() D: Studentchild = new Person();