• 2021-04-14
    Translate the sentence into Chinese: Several times on his trips to China, which he made as a guest of the Chinese Government, Bill's birthday occurred while he was in Beijing.
  • 比尔以中国官方客人的身份,来访中国已多次了, 而且在北京停留期间恰适他生日也有好几次了。


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      In his statement he contradicted himself several times which made a bad _____ on the police detectives ( ). A: influence B: impression C: feeling D: depression

    • 1

      Before Edward came to China, he learned as much Chinese as he could, because he had several reasons except for one fact, he was not to learn how _____________

    • 2

      Part I Sentence translationDirections: Translate the following sentences into Chinese or vice versa.After staying in the net bar for several days and nights, he was no longer able to differentiate between fantasy and reality. He should seek medical help.

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: please translate the sentence into chinese He knows how to count from one to ten.

    • 4

      Tom has made big progress in his Chinese he works very hard.