• 2022-06-19
    Cyclos are also called__________.
    A: motor dups
    B: trishaws
    C: motor bikes
  • B


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      脑皮层运动区( ). A: cerebral motor cortex B: limbic motor cortex C: trabecular motor cortex D: cerebellar motor cortex

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      A single phase ac induction motor has two windings, one is a run winding and the other is called a start winding. Strat winding can only work for a very short time to avoid overheated. A _____________ switch is installed inside motor to disconnect the strat winding when the motor speed reached 75% RPM.

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      Motor unit is A: a motor neuron B: a group of motor neurons with same function C: a group of muscle fiber that involved in execution of a special movement. D: a bundle of muscle fibers E: a alpha motor neuron and the innervated muscle fibers

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      Playing a song on a piano is a type of _________() A: Discrete motor skills B: Serial skills C: Continuous motor skills

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      electric motor ______