• 2021-04-14
    McGregor's Theory Y assumes that employees ________.
  • enjoy work


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      Employees _______ according to Theory X theory in HRM. A: are lazy B: dislike work and responsibility C: must be coerced to perform D: All of the above

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      ( )are content-based human resource motivational theories。 A: Hertzberg's two-factor theory B: Maslow's hierarchy of needs C: Adams's theory of fairness D: Vroom's theory of expectations E: Scientific management theory

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      Our theory was derived from Kruschev’s Theory of Darkness.

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      Eysenck’s theory described personality using three factors. Eysenck’s theory was rejected in favor of the big-five model.

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      Which of the following would describe the beliefs of a Theory Y manager? A: People have little ambition. B: Work is acceptable because of financial needs, but play is more natural C: Employees readily accept responsibility. D: People dislike work