• 2022-06-19
    Promotion mix covers personnel promotion and non-personnel promotion.
    A: 正确
    B: 错误
  • A


    • 0

      Which one is not the element of marketing mix? A: Product B: Place C: Promotion D: Planning

    • 1

      The core concept of the promotion is to communicate information. A: 正确 B: 错误

    • 2


    • 3

      传统的营销理论是以5P营销组合为基础的,它们分别是() A: 产品(Product) B: 价格(Price) C: 渠道(Place) D: 促销(Promotion) E: 人员(Personnel)

    • 4

      服务营销的7Ps除了产品(Product)、价格(Price)、渠道(Place)、促销(Promotion)之外,还有()。 A: 繁荣(Prosperity) B: 环境(Physicalenvironment) C: 人员(Personnel) D: 流程(Process) E: 计划(Planning)