Earth's outermost layer, consisting of the crust and upper mantle, is called the lithosphere.
- The _______ is the outermost layer of Mars. A: crust B: mantle C: core D: center
- What is the outermost layer of the GI tract called? A: Mucosa B: Sub mucosa C: Muscularis D: Adventitia
- This passage mainly talks about () A: the origin of the earth B: the origin of the ocean C: the history of the earth D: the forming of the earth’s crust
- Earth's surface is part of the A: Asthenosphere. B: Lithosphere. C: Benthosphere. D: Troposphere. E: Stratosphere.
- what the analogy is: which two things are being compared?The earth’s atmosphere is like a blanket of gases around the earth. It is only a thin layer but it helps to maintain the temperature of the earth, keeping us warm. It also offers a layer of protection from the intensity of the sun. A: earth’s atmosphere and a blanket B: earth’s atmosphere and gases C: earth’s atmosphere and a layer of protection D: earth’s atmosphere and a blanket of gases