• 2022-06-17
    Food assistance programs increase food security and reduce hunger by providing children and low-income individuals with access to ____food.
  • Food assistance programs increase food security and reduce hunger by providing children and low-income individuals with access to nutritious food.食物援助项目通过向儿童和低收入者提供营养食品,从而增强了食品的安全性,并降低了饥饿人群数量。


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      GM food is the acronym of ________________ food.

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      ‎Food security implies that food is available in absolute quantities to meet the needs of the present generation.‍

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      Food security implies that food is available in absolute quantities to meet the needs of the present generation.

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      1.With the increased movement of people and goods around the globe, food security — access to adequate and sustainable food supplies — and food safety have become topics of widespread international interest. What is being done to ensure that reliable and available amounts of nutritious food are affordable to the world's growing population and how safe is the global food supply? 1) Answer to the question: ________________________________________________________________________________.

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      The Social Security Administration organizes the distribution of food and food stamps through state and local governments.