• 2022-06-17
    of the following is the direct energy material for movement?()
    A: glucose
    B: fatty acid
    C: ATP
    D: GTP
    E: creatine phosphate
  • C


    • 0

      The main storage form of high energy phosphate bond in muscle cell is A: ATP B: GTP C: UTP D: CTP E: Creatine phosphate

    • 1

      The direct energy of muscle contraction is A: ATP B: phosphocreatine C: glucose D: fatty acids

    • 2

      The main storage form of high-energy phosphate in muscle A: ATP B: GTP C: UTP D: Creatine phosphate

    • 3

      Which of the following material can be synthesized at liver only? () A: fat B: cholesterol C: protein D: fatty acid E: urea

    • 4

      During long term starvation, the energy in brain mainly come from A: glucose oxidation B: ketone bodies oxidation C: lactate oxidation D: amino acid oxidation E: fatty acid oxidation