• 2022-06-19
    of the following molecules is the immediate energy source for active
    muscle?( )
    A: Glucose
    B: Fat
    C: Creatine
    D: Adenosine
  • D


    • 0

      Which<br/>of the following are incorrectly paired? () A: Epinephrine:increased glycogenolysis in skeletal muscle B: Insulin:increased protein synthesis C: Glucagon:increased gluconeogenesis D: Progesterone:increased plasma glucose level E: Growth hormone:increased<br/>plasma glucose level

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      单选题 ( 2.0 分 )<br/>Which of the following statements is true according to the<br/>passage? A: Nuclear power is a safe and reliable energy source. B: solar energy is always available as a source of energy. C: Water and steam energy has been successfully used in some<br/>countries. D: The real solution to energy crisis lies in natural sources of<br/>energy.

    • 2

      Which of the following is the main way for Escherichia<br/>coli absorbs glucose?( ) A: Simple diffusion B: Facilitated diffusion C: Active transport D: Group translocation

    • 3

      The centre molecule of energy generation and usage in human body is A: Glucose B: ATP C: GTP D: Creatine phosphate

    • 4

      Which<br/>test can reflect the blood glucose level of patients in8-12<br/>weeks before blood collection?<br/>() A: Glycosuria/<br/>Glucose<br/>in urine B: Random<br/>blood glucose/GLU C: Oral<br/>glucose tolerance test/OGTT D: Glycosylated hemoglobin E: 2 hours<br/>blood<br/>glucose after meal