• 2022-06-17
    Questions 98-100 refer to the following talk. When was Nike founded
    A: In 1916
    B: In 1960
    C: In the 1910s
    D: In the 1960s
  • D


    • 0

      Questions 98-100 refer to the following advertisement. Where can people buy Rev Up A: In restaurants B: At supermarkets C: Only on the Internet D: Throughout the rural area

    • 1

      首次提出人工智能实在()年 A: 1946 B: 1960 C: 1916 D: 1956

    • 2

      首次提出人工智能是在哪一年() A: 1946 B: 1960 C: 1916 D: 1956

    • 3

      “人工智能”首次提出是在哪一年? " A: 1946 B: 1960 C: 1916 D: 1956"

    • 4

      Usually when we talk about the ethos of a people or a nation, we specifically refer to people’s ___, ideals, __, ethics, morals, dreams, and __.