• 2022-06-06
    Questions 17—20 are based on the following talk about the Worm Bank. When was the World Bank officially founded
    A: In 1944.
    B: In 1946.
    C: In 1949.
    D: In 2000.
  • B


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      There is no legal definition of a bank. Which of the following best describes a bank?

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      Questions 17 to 20 are based on the talk about George Orwell. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 17 to 20. What is George Orwell mainly known as A: A literary critic. B: A war correspondent. C: A volunteer in the Spanish Civil War. D: A novelist.

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      Directions:Questions 6—10 are based on the following talk, given by a professor about the course. Who tends to be a mechanist

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      Questions 17 ~ 20 are based on the following talk about the global economy from 1973 to 1990s. You now have 20 seconds to rend Questions 17 ~ 20. Which was the major cause of the emergence of the global economy in 1973 A: The drop in economies of industrialized nations caused by the rise of oil price. B: The cease of the United States’ dominant position in the world economy. C: The competition from Western Europe and Japan to the U. S. in international trade. D: All of the above.

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      Questions 17~20 are based on the following interesting story about David Jones. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 17~20. Where did David learn about computer programming A: In a computer shop. B: From books and magazines. C: At school. D: From his parents.