• 2022-06-17
    innocent explict preclude stem from precocious feed into highlight filter outlaw fret doll up sultry overdue face up to backdrop assimilate at the extremeYou need to pay a fine, because your library book is ____________.
  • overdue


    • 0

      If the book is (overdue),you need pay extra money. A: 超期的 B: 时尚的 C: 节约的 D: 美丽的

    • 1

      He was made _____ for the lost book, which was borrowed from the library last week. A: paid B: to pay C: pay D: paying

    • 2

      Why are the pines in Mount Huangshan strange? A: Because pines in Mount Huangshan grow up from rich soilinstead of hard granite. B: Because pines in Mount Huangshan grow up from hard granite instead of rich soil. C: Because pines in Mount Huangshan grow up from deep waterinstead of rich soil. D: Because pines in Mount Huangshan grow up from deep waterinstead of hard granite.

    • 3

      You need to warm up your voice and muscles before giving your speech.

    • 4

      to wash your hands and face, so that you feel clean and comfortable → Freshen up