6.2听力第二个对话:2. ______ The bank continues to thrive to this day.
- 二力平衡公理的两个力作用在( )个物体上,作用于反作用力公理的两个力作用在( )个物体上。 A: 二个 二个 B: 一个 一个 C: 一个 二个 D: 一个 三个
- 高段对话课的听力板块要求学生听一段包含核心句型的对话,完成听后活动
- 阅读二。 The second Sunday in May is Mother’s Day. Mothers get cards and gifts on that day. The cards and gifts are all different. Guoguo has a gift for Mom. It is her favorite chocolate. Dad’s gift is a secret and Guoguo will know on Mother’s Day. We all say to our mothers, “ Happy Mother’s Day!” 2. Mothers get _________ and gifts on that day.
- 凡是受到二个力作用的刚体都是二力构件
- I count ___________ money in the bank every day.