• 2022-06-16
    To communicate with the deaf, people ______.
    A: have to make special efforts
    B: must speak in a foreign language
    C: should not smoke at all
    D: use writing instead of speaking
  • A


    • 0

      We should make the best use of classroom learning environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the students in speaking teaching.

    • 1

      A person______ a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language as often as possible. ( ). A: learn B: to learn C: learning D: leaned

    • 2

      What is special about adults learning a second language? A: They must spare extra efforts to learn its culture consciously. B: They must learn its grammatical structure and semantics. C: They learn it in order to communicate with native speakers. D: They recognize that variety is the spice of life.

    • 3

      A person a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language A: learning, forgetting B: who learns, to forget C: to learn, to forget D: using, but

    • 4

      The language of the poster produced by an anonymous civil servant at City Hall during WWII was characterized by all the following EXCEPT _________. A: the use of long words instead of short ones B: the use of words of foreign origin instead of native ones C: the use of complicated sentence structures D: the use of the direct, imperative mood