A: 执行”SELECT *FROM table_name WHERE…”语句后,定会返回所有行的数据
B: WHERE子句在SELECT 子句中为必选
C: 在SQL Server中,”!=”与”<>”作用完全相同
D: 语句”SELECT *FROM table_name WHERE Age NOT NULL”的写法正确
A: 执行”SELECT *FROM table_name WHERE…”语句后,定会返回所有行的数据
B: WHERE子句在SELECT 子句中为必选
C: 在SQL Server中,”!=”与”<>”作用完全相同
D: 语句”SELECT *FROM table_name WHERE Age NOT NULL”的写法正确
- 下列说法正确的是________。 A: 执行“SELECT *FROM student WHERE 条件表达式”语句后,表示一定返回学生所有行的数据 B: WHERE子句在查询语句中为必选 C: 在SQL Server中,“!=”与“”作用完全相同 D: 语句“SELECT *FROM student WHERE Age NOT NULL”的写法正确
- 如下不能正确执行的语句是( ) A: select * from table_name where 1>2 B: truncate table table_name C: delete from table_name where null=null D: alter table table_name add column idd int
- 若想查询student表中name为空值的记录,则正确的SQL语句是( )。 A: SELECT * FROM student WHERE name = NULL; B: SELECT * FROM student WHERE name like NULL; C: SELECT * FROM student WHERE name = 'NULL'; D: SELECT * FROM student WHERE name is NULL;
- 若想查询student表中name为空值的记录,则正确的SQL语句是(1.0分) A: select * from student where name = null; B: select * from student where name link null; C: select * from student where name = 'null'; D: select * from student where name is null;
- 下面哪条语句可以查询姓“张”并且年龄等于20岁的用户,请问用哪条语句? A: Select * From table Where name like "%张%" And intAge=20 B: Select * From table Where name like "张%" And intAge=20 C: Select * From table Where name like "张%" And intAge="20" D: Select * From table Where name="张" And intAge=20