多数紫禁城的宫殿都是木结构,黄琉璃瓦(glazed tile)顶,青白石底座,看上去庄严肃穆,金碧辉煌。
A: Most of the buildings in the Forbidden City were built with wood, roofed with yellow glazed tiles and built on blue-and-white stone foundations, looking solemn and brilliant.
B: Most of the buildings in the Forbidden City were built with wood, and people used yellow glazed tiles as the roofs, blue-and-white stones as foundations, so it looked solemn and glittered gold and jade.
C: /
D: /
A: Most of the buildings in the Forbidden City were built with wood, roofed with yellow glazed tiles and built on blue-and-white stone foundations, looking solemn and brilliant.
B: Most of the buildings in the Forbidden City were built with wood, and people used yellow glazed tiles as the roofs, blue-and-white stones as foundations, so it looked solemn and glittered gold and jade.
C: /
D: /
- 中国大学MOOC: 多数紫禁城的宫殿都是木结构,黄琉璃瓦(glazed tile)顶,青白石底座,看上去庄严肃穆,金碧辉煌。
- The Forbidden City was not built in______style. A: glazed tiles B: imperial architecture C: free D: ancient
- 多数紫禁城的宫殿都是木结构,黄琉璃瓦(glazedtile)顶,青白石底座,看上去庄严肃穆,金碧辉煌。 A: MostofthebuildingsintheForbiddenCitywerebuiltwithwood,roofedwithyellowglazedtilesandbuiltonblue-and-whilestonefoundations,lookingsolemnandbrilliant. B: MostofthebuildingsintheForbiddenCitywerebuiltwithwood,andpeopleusedyellowglazedtilesastheroofs,blue-and-whitestonesasfoundations,soitlookedsolemnandglitteredgoldandjade. C: / D: /
- A lot of tall buildings ________in our city last year. A: are built B: were built C: was built D: can be built
- A lot of tall buildings ______ in our city last year. A: was built B: were built C: had been built
- 0
Yellow was the imperial color and yellow roof tiles still adorn most of the buildings within the Temple of Heaven.
- 1
The Forbidden City was not built in______style.
- 2
______, the stylish artistic ware, became the main stream of porcelain in the Ming Dynasty. A: The blue-and-white porcelain B: White Porcelain C: Underglazed Porcelain D: Tri-color glazed porcelain
- 3
A big market _____ in our city last year. A: is built B: built C: were built D: was built
- 4
Many buildings _______ on both sides of the street the next year. A: will build B: were built C: are being built D: will be built