中国大学MOOC: 多数紫禁城的宫殿都是木结构,黄琉璃瓦(glazed tile)顶,青白石底座,看上去庄严肃穆,金碧辉煌。
- 多数紫禁城的宫殿都是木结构,黄琉璃瓦(glazedtile)顶,青白石底座,看上去庄严肃穆,金碧辉煌。 A: MostofthebuildingsintheForbiddenCitywerebuiltwithwood,roofedwithyellowglazedtilesandbuiltonblue-and-whilestonefoundations,lookingsolemnandbrilliant. B: MostofthebuildingsintheForbiddenCitywerebuiltwithwood,andpeopleusedyellowglazedtilesastheroofs,blue-and-whitestonesasfoundations,soitlookedsolemnandglitteredgoldandjade. C: / D: /
- 多数紫禁城的宫殿都是木结构,黄琉璃瓦(glazed tile)顶,青白石底座,看上去庄严肃穆,金碧辉煌。 A: Most of the buildings in the Forbidden City were built with wood, roofed with yellow glazed tiles and built on blue-and-white stone foundations, looking solemn and brilliant. B: Most of the buildings in the Forbidden City were built with wood, and people used yellow glazed tiles as the roofs, blue-and-white stones as foundations, so it looked solemn and glittered gold and jade. C: / D: /
- 中国古代建筑中琉璃瓦的种类有( ) A: 筒瓦 B: 板瓦 C: 脊饰 D: 琉璃砖 E: 琉璃贴面花饰
- 宫殿楼阁、亭榭轩馆,多为琉璃瓦顶,宫殿区大部分饰以()。
- 中国大学MOOC: 山庄宫殿区与北京紫禁城太和殿作用相同的建筑是( )。