• 2022-06-18
    翻译题。Clinical anesthesiology remains the main content of anesthesiology.Before anesthesia, anesthesiologists, missions are to evaluate,prepare and medicate for patients to acquire the patients, physical and mental condition,select adequate anesthesia thchnique and relieve anxiety;during the operation,anesthesiologists should provide analgesia or amnesia for patients to eliminate discomfort,induce sedation,promote hemodynamic stability,and alleviate surgery-related adverse reflection and stress response;after the operation,physical function of patients should be measured and monitored in PACU to regulate and correct abnormal condition,ensure the safety ofPatients and prevent postoperativecomplications. Quality of anesthesia management has a considerable influence on the safety of patients and success ofoperation.The practice of anesthesia is not confined to operation room but expanded to several fileds to implementanesthesia and sedation, such as endoscopic measurement,lithotripsy,magnetic resonance imaging,computedtopography scan,fluoroscopy,electroconvulsive therapy.
  • 临床麻醉仍然是麻醉学的重要内容。麻醉前,麻醉医师的任务是对患者进行评估、准备和药物治疗获得患者的身心状况,选择适当的麻醉方法,缓解焦虑;在手术过程中,麻醉医师应为病人提供镇痛或遗忘,以消除不适,诱导镇静,促进血流动力学稳定,减轻手术相关的不良反应和应激反应;术后在恢复室中测量和监测病人的生理功能,以调节和纠正异常情况,确保预防术后并发症。麻醉管理的质量对病人的安全和手术的成功有很大的影响手术。手术麻醉实践不局限于手术室,而是扩展到多个领域实施麻醉和镇静,如内镜测量、碎石、磁共振成像、计算机地形图扫描等,透视,电休克治疗。



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      The purpose of doctors holding laughter clinics is ______. A: to give better condition to their patients B: to improve patients' health C: to make patients smile D: to prove smile and laughter }lave the same effect

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      Indications of PGT include ( ) A: Patients with abnormal chromosome number or structure B: Patients with a history of chromosomal abnormalities in their offspring C: Advanced aged patients D: Patients with cancer susceptibility genes

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      Apart from philosophical and legal reasons for respecting patients’ wishes, there are several practical reasons why doctors should ___________ to involve patients in their own medical care decisions.

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      If the phobia patients are not treated effectively for a long time, the quality of life and social function of the patients may be affected, which may lead to other mental disorders, such as alcohol dependence, depression, compulsion and so on

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      Reliable information should be available to () A: for some patients B: before participation C: in humans D: medical knowledge E: during the trial F: candidates for clinical trials