物理治疗方式的“3M”特征包括下列哪些?() A: Movemet<br/>Therapy B: Manual<br/>Therapy C: Musculoskeletal<br/>Therapy D: Modality<br/>Therapy
物理治疗方式的“3M”特征包括下列哪些?() A: Movemet<br/>Therapy B: Manual<br/>Therapy C: Musculoskeletal<br/>Therapy D: Modality<br/>Therapy
在PubMed检索高血压饮食治疗的文献,下面哪个检索式比较好? A: Hypertension/diet therapy B: Hypertension AND diet therapy C: Hypertension AND "diet therapy" D: Hypertension OR diet therapy
在PubMed检索高血压饮食治疗的文献,下面哪个检索式比较好? A: Hypertension/diet therapy B: Hypertension AND diet therapy C: Hypertension AND "diet therapy" D: Hypertension OR diet therapy
Targeted therapy:
Targeted therapy:
在PubMed中检索肺癌的预防或治疗的相关文献,检索策略应为 A: Lung cancer AND Prevention AND therapy B: Prevention OR therapy AND Lung cancer C: Prevention AND therapy OR Lung cancer D: Lung cancer AND Prevention OR therapy
在PubMed中检索肺癌的预防或治疗的相关文献,检索策略应为 A: Lung cancer AND Prevention AND therapy B: Prevention OR therapy AND Lung cancer C: Prevention AND therapy OR Lung cancer D: Lung cancer AND Prevention OR therapy
Fatal enzyme deficiencies may be treated by _______. A: X-ray therapy B: chemotherapy C: immunotherapy D: gene therapy
Fatal enzyme deficiencies may be treated by _______. A: X-ray therapy B: chemotherapy C: immunotherapy D: gene therapy
在OVID-Medline数据库中,通过主题途径检索哮喘的药物治疗的文献,检索表达式是() A: Asthma/dt [Drug Therapy] B: Asthma/Drug Therapy C: Asthma/Therapy D: Asthma/Th
在OVID-Medline数据库中,通过主题途径检索哮喘的药物治疗的文献,检索表达式是() A: Asthma/dt [Drug Therapy] B: Asthma/Drug Therapy C: Asthma/Therapy D: Asthma/Th
在Pubmed数据库中检索有关椎间盘突出的治疗的循证医学一级证据,最合适的检索表达式是() A: Intervertebral DiscDisplacement AND therapy B: "Intervertebral DiscDisplacement/therapy"[Majr] C: "Intervertebral DiscDisplacement/therapy"[Majr] AND Systematic Reviews[TI] D: "Intervertebral DiscDisplacement/therapy"[Majr] Filter: Systematic Reviews
在Pubmed数据库中检索有关椎间盘突出的治疗的循证医学一级证据,最合适的检索表达式是() A: Intervertebral DiscDisplacement AND therapy B: "Intervertebral DiscDisplacement/therapy"[Majr] C: "Intervertebral DiscDisplacement/therapy"[Majr] AND Systematic Reviews[TI] D: "Intervertebral DiscDisplacement/therapy"[Majr] Filter: Systematic Reviews
3. The next treatment is the first choice ( ) A: Enhanced plasmapheresis therapy B: Give prednisone shock therapy C: Give prednisone shock therapy + cytotoxic drugs D: Prednisone hydrochloride injection was given for hemodialysis E: Oral prednisone ten cytotoxic drugs
3. The next treatment is the first choice ( ) A: Enhanced plasmapheresis therapy B: Give prednisone shock therapy C: Give prednisone shock therapy + cytotoxic drugs D: Prednisone hydrochloride injection was given for hemodialysis E: Oral prednisone ten cytotoxic drugs
"primarily to remove the conditioned association between fear and anxiety" describes psychotherapy method of ( ). A: HYPNOTHERAPY B: Cognitive Therapy C: Behavior Therapy D: Psychoanalysis
"primarily to remove the conditioned association between fear and anxiety" describes psychotherapy method of ( ). A: HYPNOTHERAPY B: Cognitive Therapy C: Behavior Therapy D: Psychoanalysis
Which of the following is not one of the treatments for the patient? A: antibiotics B: anti-tuberculosis therapy C: intravenous mannitol D: cortisone therapy 3-5 days E: sedatives
Which of the following is not one of the treatments for the patient? A: antibiotics B: anti-tuberculosis therapy C: intravenous mannitol D: cortisone therapy 3-5 days E: sedatives