• 2022-06-18
    What is the main idea of this video chip
    A: Classical texts in Chinese literature.
    B: Evolution of diverse literature genres in China.
    C: Influential writers of classical Chinese literature.
    D: Comparison between modern and classical Chinese literature.
  • B


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      The meaning of“literature” in “Literature Review” is different from “literature” in American or British literature. ( )

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      The Ming-Qing fiction undoubtedly created the _____ splendor of Chinese classical literature。( ) A: first B: only C: final D: greatest

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      中国大学MOOC: Among the four great classical novels of Chinese literature, ( ) is China’s first long historical novel with traditional chapter structure?

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      5. In Chinese classical poetry, the reiterative diction is one of rhetoric methods. A: related B: repetitious C: repeatable D: literature

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      What is the early English literature is also called? Anglo-Saxon literature.