• 2022-06-17
    If you go to the U. S. A, you'll be able to make friends with those______.
    A: outside the place where you study
    B: outside the United States
    C: who will ask you to stay longer in the U. S. A
    D: who will continue to keep in touch with you after you return to your own country
  • D


    • 0

      What can you say to express possibility to your friends? _________ A: It’s probable that I can go hiking with you B: There is a possibility I can go hiking with you C: There is a chance. D: I might be able to go hiking with you

    • 1

      [u]      [/u] you eat the correct foods [u]      [/u] be able to keep fit and stay healthy. A: Only if; will you B: Only if; you will C: Unless; you will 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请选择正确答案', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181}

    • 2

      打电话时“请问您是哪位?”的正确表述是? A: May I ask who’s calling? B: Who are you? C: What’s your name? D: How are you? E: Could I have your name please? F: Please ask who is you?

    • 3

      When answering the phone, you should not say: “___________.”( ). A: Who is speaking, please? B: Who are you? C: Where are you calling from? D: Who's that?

    • 4

      M: Where have you put the video, Cindy I have to return it to John tomorrow.W: I’ m sorry, I’ ve lent it to my sister. I’ ll get it back for you now. Whose video is it()。 A: Cindy’ s. B: Cindy’ s sister’ s. C: John’ s. D: The man’ s.