• 2021-04-14
    The Pearson coefficient of correlation r equals 1 when there is/are no:
  • unexplained variation.


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      中国大学MOOC: Even if the correlation coefficient is high (near +1) or low (near-1), it may not be significant. True or false?

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      Even if the correlation coefficient is high (near +1) or low (near-1), it may not be significant. True or false? A: 正确 B: 错误

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      If the value of the sum of squares for error, SSE, equals zero, then the coefficient of determination must equal zero.

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      根据下面的变量X和变量Y的散点图,可以看出这两个变量的Pearson相关系数r的取值范围是(  ) A: r≤-1 B: 0≤r<1 C: r≥1 D: -1≤r<0

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      If you were to run an experiment on the effects of temperatures on aggressive behavior, aggressive behavior would be the ________. A: hypothesis B: dependent variable. C: independent variable D: correlation coefficient