• 2021-04-14
    Operating systems for mobile devices generally are as fully-featured as those made for desktop or laptop computers.
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      Handheld devices, such as posters, radios, portable computers and other wireless devices, make up the growing mobile device market.

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      We can learn from the passage that ______. A: laptop computers are difficult to use B: laptop computers are more powerful than desktop C: Westlake College is a very rich university D: Westlake College's students will mainly use laptops

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      【单选题】—— Hmm.Which kind do you like better, a laptop or a desktop? —— _______________, because it is very convenient. A. A laptop B. One C. A laptop or a desktop D. A laptop and a desktop

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      Operating systems provide __________ between users and the computer. A: a link B: an interface C: devices D: applications

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      The three most common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft WIndows, Apple Mac OS X, and Linux.