• 2022-06-07
  • D;d


    • 0

      What time was the man’s appointment() A: 10:30. B: 11:00. C: 11:40.

    • 1

      以下关于4城市指数和11城市指数定义的表述,正确的是()。 A: 4城市指数S=P1/(P1+P2+P3P4) B: 11城市指数S=P1/(P2+P3+…+P11) C: 4城市指数S=P1/(P2+P3+P4) D: 11城市指数S=2P1/(P1+P2+P3+…+P11)

    • 2

      Why did the woman go to the doctor’s a few days ago A: After 11: 00 B: Before 11: 00 C: At 11 : 00

    • 3

      有以下伪代码 s=0, k=1 while k<11 s = s + k end while

    • 4

      若s = What is your name, 则s[11:2:-2] 的结果为?