• 2022-06-07
    ______ to
    catch fallers. Rock climbing is a physically and mentallydemanding sport that
    tests a climber's strength,
  • designed


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      The purpose of the passage is _________. A: to inform us that<br/>all tests are valid, although they have some shortcomings B: to evaluate the<br/>standardized tests C: to expose the<br/>defects of the standardized tests D: to justify the<br/>standardized tests and show how they can be used properly

    • 1

      Rock climbing, in its early stage, became a sport for people with and heavy, thick ropes. A: bower anchor B: dutch courage C: sheer guts D: static ropes E: dynamic ropes

    • 2

      The<br/>blues has its influence on a lot of music styles, like _________. A: rock<br/>and roll, and country. B: rock<br/>and roll, jazz and reggae. C: jazz<br/>and reggae. D: rock<br/>and roll, and contemporary R and B and soul.

    • 3

      ______ point along an ever increasingly harder route. While not an Olympic event, rock climbing is 3. ______ by the International Olympic Committee as a sport. Rock climbing has been

    • 4

      - Your phone number again I _______ quite catch it.[br][/br] - It's 9568442.[br][/br][br][/br] [br][/br] A: didn't B: couldn't C: don't D: can't