• 2022-06-07
    A: Hello, could I speak to Don please? B: ______________.
  • Who’s speaking


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      下列哪个表述不能用来表达“我想跟某人通话”?( ) A: Could I speak to …, please? B: Is … there? C: May I speak to …, please? D: Hello,I want to find …..

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      --- Hello! May I speak to Mary, please? --- ____. I'll go and get her. A: Speaking B: I don't think so C: Hold on, please D: Hurry up, please

    • 3

      ——Hello! May I speak to Mary, please? — ____. I’ll go and get her. A:  Hold on, please B: Speaking C:  I don’t think so D: Hurry up, please

    • 4

      ---Hello! Could I speak to Tom, please?---. A: Oh, how are you B: I’m John C: I’m speaking D: Speaking