• 2022-06-07
    Although Louvre Pyramid was met with criticism, Henri Loyrette, the Louvre's director at the time, described it as a/an______and one of the three reasons people would visit the museum.
    A: fortune
    B: masterpiece
    C: property
    D: enrichment
  • B


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      Which one is the landmark of Paris? A: The Greatwall B: The BigBen C: The Statue of Liberty D: The Le Louvre Museum

    • 1

      The collections in the Louvre Museum are abundant and amazing .

    • 2

      Which is not the three highlights of the Louvre Museum? A: Venus de Milo B: Victorie de Samothrace C: Mona Lisa D: The Last Supper

    • 3

      What is the most visited museum in the world? A: the metropolitan museum of art B: the Louvre C: the Palace Museum D: the British museum

    • 4

      The three highlights(镇店之宝) of the Le Louvre Museum are ____. A: Venus de Milo B: Victoire de Samothrace C: Mona LIsa