• 2022-06-07
    What will the man most probably do
    A: Put off his appointment with Mr. Johnson.
    B: Help to move things to Mr. Johnson s office.
    C: Help the woman move the items.
    D: Hurry to Mr. Johnson"s office.
  • D


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      Why did he give up making a new appointment with Mr. Johnson A: [A] He couldn’t reach Mr. Johnson’s office. B: He didn’t want to see Mr. Johnson any more. C: He didn’t want to take the trouble making it.

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      [听力原文]W: Can I see Mr. Johnson, please I’ve an appointment at 10: 30.M: What’s your name, pleaseW: McDonald, Jane McDonald.M: Ah, yes. Mr. Johnson’s expecting you. Who is the visitor() A: Mr. Johnson B: Jane Johnson C: Jane McDonald D: McDonald Jobnson

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      What was Mr. Johnson going to do at the end of the conversation?

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      Dialogue TwoYang: Hello, (1) _______________to Mr. Johnson, please?Johnson: Speaking.Yang: Good morning, Mr. Johnson. (2) _______________ Yang Hong from Beijing TD Company.Johnson: Good morning, Mr. Yang.Yang: Mr. Johnson, I’d like to discuss the arrangement with you as soon as possible. Would Tuesday be (3)_______________ for you?Johnson: Tuesday? Let me see. That’s (4)_______________ me.Yang: Good.Johnson: At what time?Yang: Will 10 o’clock be (5) _______________?Johnson: Good.Yang: I’ll be expecting you then. Goodbye.Johnson: Bye.

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      Mr. Johnson and his ______ daughter do not always understand each other.