• 2022-06-07
    1. A decision environment __________.
  • E


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      Which of the following statements is not correct regarding a firm's decision-making? A: The decision to shut down and the decision to exit are both short-run decisions. B: The decision to shut down and the decision to exit are both long-run decisions. C: The decision to shut down is a short-run decision, whereas the decision to exit is a long-run decision. D: The decision to exit is a short-run decision, whereas the decision to shut down is a long-run decision.

    • 1

      The external business environment in which a business operates is sometimes known as which of the following:() A: The national environment B: The macro environment C: The international environment D: The micro environment

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      make a ______关键的decision; make a _____明智的decision; make a ______深思熟虑的decision

    • 3

      When everyone agrees on a decision, the decision is unanimous.

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      下列结构层次序数排列正确的是() A: (一)1.(1)、一 B: 一、(一)1.(1) C: (1)1.一、① D: 1. (1)1.1①