• 2022-06-07
    The law __________ that all men are created equal.
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      Choose the sentence fragments (incomplete sentences). A: The fact that men are physically stronger than women. B: The desire of all mankind to live in peace and freedom. C: Although people want to believe that all men are created equal. D: Star Wars was the best movie that I saw last year.

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      Which school believes that all men are equal before heaven and men should live by universal love?

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      The theory is based on the ________ that all men are born equal. A: hypothesis B: accuracy C: reference D: privacy

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      The author tells a story about himself to illustrate that______. A: ail of the men are born skilled workmen B: all of the men are not created clever with the hands C: none of the men are born capable of doing things for oneself D: only husbands are created clever with the hands

    • 4

      The American belief in equality of opportunity means that_______ A: all Americans are rich. B: Americans believe that everyone should be equal. C: everyone should have an equal chance to succeed. D: Everyone is equal in America.