下列关于检索运算符优先级顺序排列正确的是 ( )
A: near/x>; not >; or >; same >; and
B: near/x >; same >; not >; and >; or
C: and >; not >; same >; near/x >; or
D: not >; and >; near >; with >; or
E: not >; near/x >; same >; or >; and
A: near/x>; not >; or >; same >; and
B: near/x >; same >; not >; and >; or
C: and >; not >; same >; near/x >; or
D: not >; and >; near >; with >; or
E: not >; near/x >; same >; or >; and
- 下列不属于位置算符检索的是( )。 A: Near B: Within C: Same D: AND
- 检索技术中,常用的位置算符有() A: near B: with C: same D: 以上都是
- 【单选题】Web of Science 提供位置算符()。 A. NEAR/x,表示检索词之间相隔x个单词,前后位置不可以互换 B. NEAR/x,表示检索词之间相隔最多x个单词,前后位置不可以互换 C. NEAR/x,表示检索词之间相隔x个单词,前后位置可以互换 D. NEAR/x,表示检索词之间相隔最多x个单词,前后位置可以互换
- Web of Science检索规则正确的是 A: 支持布尔逻辑检索,逻辑与AND、逻辑或OR、逻辑非NOT B: 支持通配符检索:*、$、? C: 优先级顺序:Near>SAME>NOT>AND>OR D: 短语算符 “ ”仅用于主题与标题字段
- 以下哪项陈述是相同的 A: x -= x + 4 B: x = x + 4 - x C: x = x - (x + 4)<br>(A) and (C) are the same<br>(A) and (B) are the same<br>(B) and (C) are the same D: (A), (B), and (C) are the same